Really felt the need to share. I am having a relaxing night playing word games with my son, Quinn. Since 2014 is coming close to an end, I can’t help but reflect on the past year. I started the year off with a job that I thought was secure (and let’s face it, I WAS […]
We are very excited to announce another well-deserved promotion! Jil Dasher is being promoted to Vice President of Meeting Services division for the company. In this role, she will have overall responsibility for both the operations and sales of the division. Please join us all in congratulating Jil on an absolutely fantastic job and an […]
Since I was very young, I have enjoyed reading, especially spy novels and thrillers. The ones I truly loved were the CIA vs. KGB, the ones that pitted the US against the Communists. Tom Clancy, John LeCarre, Grahame Greene, Ian Fleming, Nelson DeMille all excelled in this theme. In the past going behind the Iron […]
OK so this is for all our great hotel partners out there, Over the summer I’m doing something I’ve wanted to do for a while — taking a big part of my office and building a “beach” in it to celebrate the HPN entrepreneurial lifestyle !! Sooooooo, if your hotel is at or near a […]
We’ve been remiss in not recognizing it immediately but the company passed a huge Milestone quietly in November of last year. John Murillo became the first person associated with the company to pass over $100,000,000 in life time bookings. Yep that’s right, no typo —- 100 million United States Dollars in rooms bookings by John. […]
HPN Global’s President’s Club consists of the top 10 producers for the year. Each member of this club is awarded an all expense trip to a cool destination somewhere in the world. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner !! Well actually not actually a “chicken dinner” but an all-expense paid trip for 2 for 5 days […]
A recent edition of Entrepreneur Magazine presented the following characteristics of an entrepreneur: Tenacity, Passion, Tolerance of Ambiguity, Self-Belief, Vision, Flexibility and Ability to Break Rules. Just starting your own business is a rule breaking action, as only 13% of Americans classify themselves as Entrepreneurs, according to a study published by Babson College in 2013. […]
Wow what a fun ride 2013 was !!!! Another great year ! Record bookings for the company , great new associates and friends and too much fun …….. Thanks to everybody !! So here again are those basic founding ideas of the company and our culture to set out a basis for the new year […]
Hey All, This is a great time to chat about “FAMs” and how HPN approaches them. As you all know we are a third party started by guys who “hated” third parties. One of the thing hotels dislike about third parties are the” shrimp eaters”, people who don’t book your hotel but avail themselves of […]