HPN Global’s Founding Values to Thrive in 2025

HPN Global’s Founding Values to Thrive in 2025

At the start of every year, our CEO, Bill Kilburg, at HPN Global sends out our founding principles to kick off the new year:

I honestly can’t believe its 2025!!!  As I always do at the start of the year, I’d like to put forth our HPN VALUES to help guide us through the next 12 months.

Last year was an amazing and  fantastic year, so many fun times and so much success for all. I want to give a massive thank you to all for your efforts to create the success we collectively had!

2024 was again the biggest and best year in the firms history, let’s keep it rocking in 2025!

Here are the founding values of the firm and what we guide ourselves by;


Family First – for most of us our family and loved ones are why we do this, they are why we get up in the morning and go do what we do, time with them is the most precious thing we have. Hug them every day.

Have FUN – Have fun every day doing what you do. If you enjoy what you are doing, it pretty rapidly ceases to be work, it’s pretty cool to do something every day that you are having fun at! A lot of people go thru life without ever having that opportunity. We are in the best business in the world! I’ve never met a happier, more fun and successful group of people in my life!!

Be Nice to People – It’s a basic fact, People are nice to people who are nice to them, we are in the service business, people buy from people they like! My mother’s favorite saying was that “you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar” it’s absolutely true.

Be Passionate and Enthusiastic– Both are absolutely infectious, I put on a positive attitude every day first thing in the morning like clothes, Every day is the best day of my life because I choose for it to be that ! Be passionate and enthusiastic about what you do and success will certainly follow.

Life is all about Relationships – Relationships, Relationships, Relationships! At the end of the day nothing else matters but the connections we make with other people, people we work with, people we love, people we do business with.

Change is our Friend – It’s another fact, everything changes. We learned that over that last couple of years for sure. We all learned how to adapt and overcome. No matter what you think is the status quo, it is in fact, going to change and increasingly rapidly. The people that can assimilate and appreciate, and perhaps even lead change, are the ones who are successful, the ones who don’t adapt to new circumstances  are rarely successful.

Do what you say you are going to do –Business (and our competitors) are full of people that say “yea, I can handle that” and then drop the ball or don’t follow through. Nothing is worse in business than relying on somebody to get something done and then having it not happen, most especially in the service environment. Do what you say you are going to do every time!! Success will follow!

Let go of Negativity – Stuff is going to go wrong, somebody or something is going to make you mad, deal with it and then let go of it and move on. Harboring ongoing negativity hurts you, not them. I’m by no means saying to put up with bad behavior from toxic people, but get over it and realize life is too short. The past is the past, the only things we can affect are in the future. Just get rid of the toxic people in your life.

Take care of your friends –  All of our leadership has your back every minute of every day and we all know who our friends are…..  in life and in business,  take care of them and be a good “friend” and they will step up and take care of you when it matters. Let’s make sure we take care of our business partners who have our backs.

Be a “Kid” as much as possible –  I know it is hard sometimes but its tonic for the soul. Laugh easily and often, run around and play with your kids, set off fireworks, do silly things with your family and loved ones, learn something new every day, cook something you have never cooked before,  just have fun…….. life is short.

Be Grateful – For the people in your life and what you have.  We are all blessed and lucky to be who we are.

Be Kind and Compassionate-   Kindness is key, you never know what the person on the other end of the email or telephone call is going through.


Thanks again to everybody for all your efforts in 2024, the firm had an absolutely awesome year thanks to you all.

Here’s to the amazing and bright new year ahead of us. You are all rock stars, the best team in the world, let’s THRIVE IN “25!!!!!


Future adventures and fun await

Absolutely love you all!

